Ordering Kaspersky Services

Ordering Kaspersky Services

For the most part, ordering Kaspersky Labs licenses is similar to other services in the platform. A difference lies on how the quantity is selected. This article will guide you on how to order the services properly!

Storefront Ordering Process 

  1. After Log in to the Storefront, the customer selects a Kaspersky Labs service. The customer needs to provide input to the 'Seats' order characteristic that defines the pricing. Using the 'Calculate cost' button the result is displayed. The customer can proceed with the order using the 'Buy this configuration' option. If the quantity for the 'Seats' attribute is changed, then the customer needs to click on the 'Calculate Cost' button again.

  2. At the next step the customer can amend the quota using the 'Change Configuration' option:

This is the only differentiation during ordering. All the next steps are consistent with what is already in place for all services. 

Ordering from BSS

Checking if the Account is Synchronized

Before any order can be placed for an automatically provisioned service, the Account must be synchronized with the provisioning platform. 

In order to check if an account is synchronized with Kaspersky Labs, you must take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to: Office> Accounts and locate the account.
  2. Locate the 'Provisioning Sync Status' field. If the status is 'Synchronized' then it is OK.

Synchronizing the Account

In case the account is not connected to the Kaspersky Labs provisioning system (Provisioning Sync Status: UnSynchronized ), it will need to be synchronized. 

To synchronize an account for Kasperksy Labs, you must take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to: Office> Accounts and add a new account.
  2. Locate the 'Provisioning Sync Status' field and click on the 'UnSynchronized' option (in case of multiple provisioning platforms the field may show 'Synchronized', but you need to click on it and check if the Kaspersky Labs provisioning engine is explicitly synchronized!). 

  3. At the next screen click on 'Sync Options'
    1. Parent Account: If the account is an end-user account, this field defines the reseller that provides the service. In case this is a direct end-user account it remains empty.
    2. Email: the email that will receive the Kaspersky  License Key
    3. Role: If the account is a direct or an end-user account, the option is 'User'. In case of a reseller it must be filled in with 'Reseller'.
    4. Reseller PIN: This is unique for reseller accounts. So, if the account is a partner account that resellers Kaspersky Labs services to end-users, you need to fix this manually here before the account is allowed to place orders!
  4. When you are done hit 'Save & Synchronize' and acknowledge. That's it

Placing Orders 

In order to place orders from BSS here is what you need to do:

  1. Navigate to Billing > Orders and add a new order. After filling in the customer information click 'Save'. After the order has been created, navigate to the 'Products' tab and click on 'Quick Add > Product'. Select the required Kaspersky Lab service. You will notice that the entry becomes red when you select the service. 
  2. Click on the little pencil icon to access the management panel
  3. Once there, select the value on the 'Seats' characteristic and click 'Save'. You will notice that the order will still have 0 (zero) as value, since the first period is free!

  4. Execute the order to generate the subscription

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