With this release, Dropbox trial subscriptions with the possibility of upgrading to paid are supported for the following advanced edition products:
Additionally, the following Dropbox Sign products now allow trial subscriptions:
Adobe will process a refund inside the 14-day cancellation window, only if none of the credits were used/redeemed. In this case, BSS users can cancel the asset from the Cancel option in BSS via the Shortcuts menu of the asset. ![]()
With this release, resellers that have in their distributor organization the "Standard Edition Resellers" Add-on enabled, can view their Current Plan of their reseller account, be that a Lite/Basic reseller (PLAN | BASIC) or a Standard Edition reseller (PLAN | STANDARD). Specifically, the current plan is displayed in a blue bubble tag next to the image of the Storefront header logo.
In this release, we have improved the Status column fields of the migration results inside the “New Commerce Experience” (NCE) Migration tool so as to be updated automatically every one (1) minute, without the requirement of any user actions, during the migration process. ![]() |
We have made an improvement to the Upcoming Payments feature with our latest release. A new field called Transaction ID has been introduced, which allows BSS users to enter the identification of the transaction of the end customer. This custom field accepts special and alphanumeric characters, making it easier for BSS users to understand specific transactions when viewing or editing Upcoming Payments. ![]()
The following issues were addressed, with fixes applied where necessary:
The following Excel file contains the latest strings for translation, based on their tag_name, for the release 3.28.122: |