Our platform support to have values for your products in multiple currencies. This page explains how you will define which currencies are available and the preferences of the currency culture. |
For activating a new currency, you must do the following:
Make sure that the field "Update Type" has always the value "Update from Administrator". The second option is not supported yet. |
For every currency that is activated, there is a currency culture that is applied automatically and it is based on the default country of your organization (that you have defined in setup are in Organization Profile). Each currency culture has default preferences for the currency sign, the decimal / thousand separators and also where the sign will be positioned for negative or positive amounts.
For changing the default setting you must press the currency link in currencies list.
This link will display the currency page for setting up the following. You must press the "Customize Locale" check box for the options to be loaded.
When an anonymous user navigates to your Marketplace, the prices are displayed in Storefront's default currency (the one that you have defined in "Storefront Configuration" in setup area) and the culture setting are those that you have defined for this currency
For the logged in user, the prices are displayed on the currency you have define for his account in your BSS and the culture settings for this currency will be used.
BSS User
Each BSS User can define in his profile which currency culture would like to use for any amount in BSS.
The selected culture will be applied to all amounts even if they are for different currencies. This means that for a BSS user our system ignores the culture settings you have defined per currency and it applies always his preference.
For example for a BSS user with en-USD culture, all invoice amounts will be displayed with the same format even if they are for different currencies