For a customer or reseller to purchase an Azure Reservation he will need first to have at least one active Azure subscription. The purchase process is initiated from the available action in Azure subscription details page. |
The ordering process can be initiated from the "Buy a Reservation" action that is available from the "I want to.." menu of an Azure subscription (in both the subscriptions list and the subscription details page).
This action is available:
The ordering wizard consists of two steps:
Registration of the selected Azure Subscription The active Azure subscription that you have identified must be registered for purchasing an Azure Reservations. Our system will first check if the selected Azure subscription is registered and if not it will try to register it by using Microsoft API. If the registration of the Azure subscription fails, you will receive the error message "This subscription is not eligible for reservations. Please contact your administrator." and the ordering process will be aborted. |
Initially, the system will prepare the catalogue of the available Azure Reservation. This step may take a few minutes.
The user must first select the type of the Azure Reservation he wants to buy. There are many available types, such as: Virtual Machine, SQL Database, Cosmos DB and SQL Data Warehouse.
Upon selecting the reservation type, a list of search fields will be displayed for helping the user to identify the Azure Reservation he is looking for. The list of filters vary depending on the reservation type:
The list of available Azure Reservations is loaded based on the filters the users selected and the country of the customer. Since Microsoft has rules where some Azure Reservation SKUs can be sold only to specific countries, we filter the list of the available reservations based on the country of the customer. Our system is aware of the customer country from the Azure subscription the Storefront user selected for initiating the ordering process.
For each Azure reservation we display the following information:
The ordering wizard includes a search box where the user will be able to search for a specific Azure reservation. This search works in combination with the selected filters meaning that the search will be executed against the displayed set of products.
You can purchase only one Azure Reservation by selecting the radio next to the item and defining the quantity you want.
Depending on the Azure Reservation Instance that you have selected, there is a possibility that the product will enable the Microsoft's "Billing Frequency" feature addition, which is analyzed in the coming section.
The Billing Frequency option in Marketplace's Reserved Instance ordering wizard appears only if the product allows monthly payments and the selected Azure product (SKU) is supported for both One-Time and Monthly billing frequency by Microsoft, otherwise, the reservation will get paid by a one-time upfront payment. In case the "Billing Frequency" checkbox, located within the chosen Azure products' options is set to false, then the option Billing Frequency will not be displayed on the Storefront Reserved Instances ordering wizard.
How Does Monthly Billing Work? Partners, that purchase the offer as they do with their one and three year Azure reservation purchases today, are now able to select to pay with either an upfront or monthly payment option. When Monthly billing is chosen, partners will be invoiced in equal monthly payments for the entire length of the term. Like any other Azure reservation purchase, the invoice currency will be based on your company's location. |
Once the user selects a specific product that supports "Monthly" payments, a new section with title "Please, select the preferred billing frequency" is displayed having the Billing Frequency drop-down menu. By default, the "Billing Frequency" drop-down is set to "One-Time".
As the names suggest, the One-Time Billing Frequency option is used for paying the whole order cost of a chosen Azure Reserved Instance product (SKU) in advance, whereas the Monthly Billing Frequency option is used for dividing the whole order cost of a chosen Azure Reserved Instance product in equal monthly parts(called terms).
For example, if the chosen Azure RI product (SKU) has a billing period of one year and the monthly billing frequency is allowed by Microsoft and enabled for that product in BSS billing options, then by choosing the Monthly Billing Frequency, the product cost price (i.e. 1000 USD) will be divided into 12 months (terms).
Product Decimals and Rounding On order item unit price and order cost price we display the prices with the product's number of decimals, on order item discount we display discounts with the product's number of decimals, all order item totals and order totals are rounded up to 2 decimals. We use that BSS behavior in Monthly Payments, too. |
When you finish with the choice of Billing Frequency, you are presented to the last section of the ordering page, named "What You Pay".
The analysis of what the user will pay is displayed in the "What You Pay" section, after you have chosen the Azure reservation as well as its quantity and Billing Frequency(when applicable).
If you want to purchase more Azure Reservations you need to run this process for each reservation.
In the following two tabs you can examine both cases (One-Time & Monthly Billing Frequency) of the results being displayed inside the "What you Pay" section.
Viewing the Full Monthly Fixed Charges Plan Before Purchasing
If you have chosen the Monthly "Billing Frequency" option then, within the "What You Pay" section of the ordering page there is a link named "view the charges plan" (located above the "Total Reservation's Cost" amount) which by clicking it a popup window opens illustrating all the scheduled charges (Date + Amounts).
The two columns are: one for charge date and one for charge fixed amount. The date reflects the charge dates and the amount is the monthly fixed charges. The date format is displayed according to logged in user's date format while the amount is displayed according to the account's culture.
After you have verified your choices you may proceed towards the next step by clicking the "Next Step>>" button.
Why some Azure Reservations are disabled with no price? You may see some disabled products if these products are not included in the excel file you uploaded in Reserved Instances Prices Importer. The ordering wizard loads all available Azure Reservations that match your search criteria and they are available for customer's country, but if it's not included in the excel file will not be available for ordering. Azure Databricks are not supported by MS for monthly payments. Monthly payments are not supported for Azure Databricks Reservations. So, when you select to buy a Reservation via Storefront with reservation type which is the Azure Databricks, the "Billing Frequency" field will not appear. |
By pressing the "Next Step" button the user will be redirected to the 2nd step of the wizard, the "Product Settings" step, for defining the scope of the selected Azure reservation. The scope can be:
In Product Settings" step you can also define a friendly name for your Azure Reservation. Since this name will be used also for the creation of the Azure reservation in Microsoft system, it must comply with Microsoft naming rules: It must be between 1 - 55 characters and to include only alphanumeric characters, underscores (_) and hyphens ( - ) characters are allowed.
By default we suggest a friendly name that complies with Microsoft rules, but if you change it and you enter an invalid name you will receive the following warning:
By pressing "Add to Basket", an item will be added in the basket for the selected Azure Reservation.
The information we display for an Azure Reservation in the basket is presented within the following two examples, for both cases (One-Time & Monthly Billing Frequency):
For both Billing Periods, the "Unit Price" column appears in the form of Amount / Instance, as illustrated by the green highlight. Apart from that, there are some differences that are demonstrated in the following two tabs.
By clicking the "Checkout>>" button you proceed towards the provisioning as well as the invoice creation of the chosen Azure Reservation Instance.
Before completing the checkout, we will do again a check if the selected Azure subscription has been registered for purchasing an Azure Reservation. If it is successfully registered, we will proceed with the provisioning of the Azure reservation in Microsoft systems. We will also create an asset record that will represent in our system the purchased Azure Reservation.
We don't support yet to grant the owner role to the end customer to the Azure Reservation. This means that you (the CSP) are the owner of the Azure reservation and you need to login to Azure portal for making the end customer owner of the Azure reservation. |