If you want to extend or amend the out-of-the-box functionality that is offered from our Salesforce connector, you can do so from the "edit integration" page. The extensions you can do is to change the mapping between the interworks.cloud and Salesforce entities, or to implement new push and pull methods that are not currently supported from our connector.

Customizing your Connector

For customizing your connector you must change the JSON specification that includes the API endpoints, the Pre/Post conditions, the transformations schemes etc.  For more details, check please the following links. These links are part of the description of our integration framework, but since our Salesforce connector has been built using this framework they will help understanding how you can apply the changes you need.

Especially for the customization of the transformations schemes, you can use the "Transformation Helper" section. In this section you can see the default transformation scheme for any push or pull method and change it as you like.

Testing the Connector

For testing the supported push and pull methods, you can use the "API Tester" section. Using this tool you can test the how the data are exchanged between the two systems. For more details, check please Testing the Integration Instance

Using a New Version of the Salesforce Connector

The changes we are doing in our connectors are not applied automatically to your instances because we don't want to override any customizations you have done. You will be notified for changes in our connectors from our release notes and you should run the following process whether you want to apply these change or not.
At the bottom of the "Definition" section you will find the "Merge Tool" option. 

This tool will compare the JSON file you have against the new version of connector's JSON file and it will highlight the differences.

You can check the differences and decide which one you want to apply or not to your connector. 
You can use also the merge tool for discarding any changes you have done in the JSON file and revert back to the original file
If you want to check the changes for a specific transformation scheme, you can use the "Merge Tool" from the "Transformation Helper" section. From this section the merge tool will run only for the selected transformation helper.

Configuring Multi-Currency

On Salesforce by default multi-currency is not enable, follow the below link to enable and configure multi-currency
Enable Multiple Currencies
Once multi-currency is enabled in Salesforce, this can be configured in the transformer for BSS modules mentioned below.


Open Account Push operation transformation and add the below code then "Save Transformation"
"CurrencyIsoCode" : "#valueof($.account.currency.mnemonic)"


Open Contact Push operation transformation to edit and add the below code then "Save Transformation"
"CurrencyIsoCode" : "#valueof($.contact.account.currency.mnemonic)"

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