With this release, we are enhancing our Reseller Edition and proudly introducing a series of new capabilities and automations, that promise to revolutionize your resellers experience, lead them through their digital transformation journey, reinforce your trusted relationship and empower your distribution business even further!

What’s New:

  1. The Standard Edition for Resellers has a brand new name: Meet the NEW interworks.cloud for Resellers

  2. It now comes with two plans: a NEW Free Reseller Plan, offered at no cost and for unlimited number of resellers and the Standard Reseller Plan.

  3. You can now provide the Free and Standard Plans to your Resellers by activating the interworks.cloud for Resellers Service Manager.

  4. You can white-label the offerings and add them in your Product Catalog.

  5. The Free or Standard Plan are automatically provisioned through a Subscription.

  6. You can upgrade a reseller to the Free or Standard Plan though BSS by activating a Subscription.

  7. You can offer the autonomy to your resellers to choose between the Free and Standard Plan and self-upgrade through your Storefront.

  8. You or your resellers can switch plans anytime from the BSS portal or your Storefront.

  9. The reseller changed their minds? The reseller plan subscription can be cancelled at anytime and be reverted to the Basic Reseller plan.


In this latest release, we’re excited to reintroduce the NCE Migration Tool and announce its seamless collaboration with the Auto-Migration feature. These two powerful tools, previously operating independently, now work in tandem to simplify your migration process.

  • NCE Migration Tool Reactivation: We’ve revived the NCE Migration Tool for your customer to transition Legacy Subscriptions to NCE.

  • Unified Mechanism: Whether you initiate a migration event through the NCE Migration Tool or the Microsoft Partner Center, both paths now converge into a single streamlined flow.

  • Auto-Migration Takes the Lead: During migration initiation, the NCE Migration Tool gracefully hands over control to the Auto-Migration feature. This ensures consistent handling of migration events across the board.

  • User-Friendly Experience: BSS and Storefront users can still utilize the NCE Migration Tool to select legacy subscriptions and billing frequencies. However, the migration status now displays a clear message about the Auto-Migration takeover.

What About the Migration Webhook?

  • Enabled Webhook: If your organization has the Microsoft migration webhook enabled, the NCE Migration Tool seamlessly integrates with the Auto-Migration feature, providing a unified experience.

  • Webhook Disabled: In case the migration webhook faces any hiccups, fear not. The NCE Migration Tool continues to operate via its default flow, bypassing the Auto-Migration mechanism entirely.


In our latest release, we’ve revamped the Storefront checkout flow to enhance the experience for resellers handling orders related to Adobe products with a Three-Year Commitment (3YC). Here’s what’s new:

  1. Efficient Checkout Flow:

    • Resellers creating orders for new end customers interested in Adobe products with a 3YC now benefit from a streamlined checkout process.

    • If the new end customer has already accepted the 3YC commitment request via the Adobe Admin Console, there’s no need for the reseller to create a separate order.

    • Instead, the reseller is automatically redirected from the Service Details step back to the Basket Items page.

    • On the Basket Items page, pricing is automatically calculated based on Adobe’s 3YC levels.

  2. Clear Communication:

    • During this redirection, an informative message appears, explaining the reason for the redirection. This ensures transparency for both resellers and customers.

  3. Seamless Completion:

    • Resellers can then proceed to complete the checkout process as usual.

    • Simultaneously, the account for the new end customer is created in the BSS.


With this release, when a payment plan with options for installments is selected in the Storefront Product Details page, the installment options are displayed with their respective amounts under the unit price.

Installment Amounts RN.png

(blue star) In one of the upcoming releases, these amounts will be displayed under the products in the Storefront (without having to open the individual product details page(s)).

We’ve significantly improved our Service Manager framework by streamlining user management, and facilitate external pricing integration.

  1. User Management Endpoints:

    • The new User Management endpoints allow efficient license management for customers’s end users directly from the workspace section of the Storefront. Developers can now handle user accounts seamlessly, enhancing overall user experience.

  2. External Pricing Integration:

    • If your product relies on external pricing data, we’ve got you covered. The introduction of ExternalPricing parameters enables precise specification of pricing information sourced from external systems. Now, your products can dynamically retrieve accurate pricing details.

The following issue(s) were addressed, with fixes applied where necessary:

  1. Email Notification Custom Date Fields: We addressed an issue where custom date fields in email notifications were accepting invalid datetime values. This issue has been resolved, ensuring accurate date handling.

  2. NCE Migration Tool Validation Mechanism: In cases where there were quantity discrepancies between the BSS portal and the Microsoft Partner Center (MPC), the error message displayed previously was misleading. Specifically, the error code SubscriptionMaintainOneActiveQuantityMismatch was not accurately reflecting the issue. However, we have rectified this situation, and now the correct error message is being shown.

  3. Tenant Legacy Subscriptions Migration: During the migration of tenant legacy subscriptions, we identified an issue where the tenant’s product types (stemming from the root organization) lacked the required identification number (external ID) mandated by Microsoft. Consequently, these subscriptions were not being migrated. We’ve rectified this issue, ensuring a seamless migration experience.

  4. BSS Account Creation: Corporate Email Field: We fixed a bug related to creating new BSS accounts. Previously, BSS users encountered difficulties when attempting to create an account with an empty “Corporate Email” field. Now, account creation proceeds smoothly, regardless of the email field status.

  5. Non-Microsoft Custom Numeric Fields in Storefront: In the “Service Details” step within Storefront, we resolved an issue where non-Microsoft custom numeric fields failed to display provided numbers (for values of 1000 or more). The fix ensures accurate representation of data within the respective User Interface pages.