Power BI Reconciliation application can be used by indirect and direct Microsoft CSPs to cross-check the charges between the interworks.cloud platform and Microsoft. You should start by selecting your reconciliation period and the filters you wish for narrowing down the results.
Configure the available filters to narrow down the results and filter out irrelevant data.
The following filters are available:
Reconciliation Period: Select the date range using the slider(s). The reconciliation period cannot be more than six months, and the earliest start date is February 1st, 2023. Note that the Valid Recon Period displayed is in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Account ID: Use this filter if you wish to reconcile the subscriptions of a specific end customer. You should enter the ID of the BSS account record.
Billing Account ID: For indirect CSPs, this filter can be used for reconciling the subscriptions of a specific reseller. You should enter the ID of the BSS account record.
MS Subscription ID: You can use this filter to reconcile a specific Microsoft subscription for the defined reconciliation period.
Microsoft Product Types: Use this filter for reconciling only specific types of Microsoft services:
Dynamics 365 - Legacy Dynamics 365
MSCloudServices - Legacy Office 365
MSOnlineServicesNceProductType - New Commerce Experience
CSP Partner - By default will be the name of your organization. This field will have more options only if you have country tenants and you have asked the same Power BI user to be able to reconcile all your country tenants.
Results Filtering -
All - Show all subscriptions within the specified reconciliation period
Discrepancies - Only show subscriptions with discrepancies
Missing Data - Only show subscriptions where data is missing. These are subscriptions that have been billed either from our system or from Microsoft but not from both systems.
Results Set
The results are displayed in the Reconciliation table. The reconciliation data can be found in the “BSS Data” and “MS Data” tables: The “BSS Data” table includes the platform invoice items, and the “MS Data” table includes the items found in MS reconciliation files.
Reconciliation Table
It includes a line per Microsoft subscription billed at least from one system (ours or Microsoft’s) in the given reconciliation period. It contains the following columns:
SubscriptionID: The Microsoft Subscription ID.
BSSTotalCost: The total cost of the BSS invoice items for the specified reconciliation period.
MSTotalCost: The total cost of the Microsoft items for the specified reconciliation period.
CostDifference - It is the difference between the two systems (in absolute value) along with one of the following symbols:
GreenCheckmark - No difference or difference less than 1.00€
RedX - A difference of over 1.00€
YellowExclamationMark - Insufficient data
Hovering over an entry shows more details in an expanded tooltip.
BSS Data Table
This table contains the invoice items returned by the interworks.cloud platform API.
The table contains the following columns:
Invoice Code - The invoice reference code
Invoice Date - The date the invoice was issued
Billing Account ID - The Bill To account
BSS Subscription ID - The ID of the subscription in the BSS
Product - The product the subscription is for
Start Date/End Date - The start and end dates of the invoice item.
Qty - Number of licenses
Unit Cost - The cost per license
Total Cost - The cost for the entire quantity
Unit Price - The retail price without discount(s)
Disc. % - The percentage of the discount applied to the retail price
Final Amount - The total amount for the entire quantity, with the discount applied
MS Data Table
This table contains data included in Microsoft reconciliation files.
Type - Legacy or NCE
Product - The product the subscription concerns
Start Date/End Date - The start/end dates of the subscription
Change Type - The type of change which created the record
New - A subscription was created
Renew - A subscription was renewed
Convert - The billing cycle of a subscription was changed (i.e. a monthly subscription becomes annual)
Add Quantity - License(s) added
Charge Start Date/Charge End Date - The start and end dates that are charged
Qty - Quantity; the amount of licenses
UnitPrice - The price for a single license
SubTotal - The total for the entire quantity. VAT is not included.
Total - The sub total including VAT
Detailed Invoices Tables
Select a subscription from the Reconciliation Table, and then select See Detailed Invoices to show the detailed invoices table.
The Detailed Invoices Table is separated into BSS Data and MS Data.
BSS Data
The BSS Data contains the following columns in addition to those seen in the previous section:
Account ID - The account issuing the invoice
Invoice Type - Is either debit or credit
Invoice Stage - The status of the invoice
Invoice Due Date - The expiration date of the invoice
MS Data
The MS Data contains only the ID of the subscription, in addition to the columns seen in the previous section.