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This page provides information about the systemic notifications that are dispatched from our platform to keep you informed about the progress of the legacy subscriptions migration.

Our platform will facilitate the notifications dispatch in case of auto-migration process failure and when the auto-migration process has been completed successfully, as it is shown in the Table below.


All email notifications are sent to the primary account contact of the legacy subscription.


In case of tier 2 relationship involving a Reseller (bill to account) and an End-customer, the notification messages are sent by default to both the Reseller (Cc) and the End-customer (To).

To customize the messaging and/or the recipients, the BSS user is able to view and edit the notifications in the Setup of their organization following SetUp > Administration > Notifications> Customer Notification Details

Please note that you need to activate the Notifications

Migration Completed Successfully

Once the migration process is successfully completed in both MPC and platforms, a notification titled “Migration completed successfully” will be dispatched. You can find this notification in the “Subscriptions” folder under the “Customers Notifications” section in the BSS Setup. The notification includes information about the migrated legacy subscription and the NCE subscription created from the migration process.

Note: If the migration process results in multiple NCE subscriptions (due to add-ons on the legacy subscription), the notification will only provide information about the primary NCE subscription.


Migration Failed to be Completed in our Platform

After the migration is completed in MPC, our platform initiates an internal migration process that consists of the following steps:

  1. Data Validation: To complete the migration in our system, we require a unique BSS legacy subscription synced with the migrated MS legacy subscription. If we find two BSS subscriptions in different BSS organizations linked with the same migrated subscription, we will abort the migration import since we cannot determine which subscription to migrate. In this case, the notification “Migration validation requirements not met” will be dispatched.

  2. Cancellation of Legacy Subscription - If we fail to cancel the legacy subscription in our platform, we will dispatch the notification “Auto cancellation failed during migration”.

  3. Creation of the NCE Subscription(s) - If we fail to import the NCE subscription(s) in our platform, we will dispatch the notification “Auto creation failed during migration”.

When the Auto-Migration feature in our platform has failed for any of the aforementioned reasons, there are three Failure Notification Email messages that can be dispatched depending on the step (A - B - C) in which the failure occurred. Please check all three cases from the tabs below:

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titleA. Message when Validations are not met

If any of the validation requirements, except for the existence of the legacy subscription in the BSS platform, are not satisfied, a notification email is sent to the primary contact of the legacy subscription's account. The message is the following:


Subject of the email:
Validation requirements not met for the NCE migration of {#Leases.Name#}.

Body of the email:

Dear {#Accounts.PrimaryContact#},

The migration of the {#Leases.Name#} Microsoft legacy subscription to NCE has failed because the validation requirements were not met.

For more details, please contact your administrator.

Sincerely, Support Department


If the migrated legacy subscription is not found in BSS, no message will be sent to any account since it cannot be matched with an account, and pointless to try to notify someone about a subscription that does not exist in our platform.

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titleB. Message when Cancellation of the legacy subscription has Failed

In the event of a failed provisionless cancellation of the legacy subscription in the BSS platform, the user receives the following message:


Subject of the email:
Cancellation of {#Leases.Name#} during migration to NCE has failed.

Body of the email:

Dear {#Accounts.PrimaryContact#},

During migration to NCE, the automatic cancellation of the {#Leases.Name#} Microsoft legacy subscription has failed.

For more details, please contact your administrator.

Sincerely, Support Department


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titleC. Message when Creation of NCE subscription has Failed

Accordingly, when the creation of a New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscription fails, the user will receive the following message:


Subject of the email:
Creation of subscription during migration to NCE has failed

Body of the email:

Dear {#Accounts.PrimaryContact#},

During migration to NCE, the automatic creation of the NCE subscription which corresponds to the {#Leases.Name#} Microsoft legacy subscription has failed.

For more details, please contact your administrator.

Sincerely, Support Department



If you receive any of the notifications mentioned above, it indicates that the BSS platform and the Microsoft Partner Center are not aligned. To resolve the reason for the failure of the Auto-Migration process, further assistance is required from the Inteworks support team. They will help you identify the root cause of the issue and provide you with the necessary steps to resolve it.

Migration Failed to be Completed in MPC

In case If Microsoft fails to complete the migration within 72 hours, there is no notification sent is dispatched from the platform.

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