The tool can be accessed by going to Setup → Tools → Service Manager Tools.
To open the tool, select an instance from the drop-down list as shown in the figure below:
The Customer Search section shows all the order information for a specific BSS accountaccounts, with their Adobe Id, their Name and Status.
Select Actions ellipsis (…) to open the actions menu and then select Show Orders to show detailed order information.
In the Logs Search section, the user can view the communication history between BSS or Storefront and Adobe for a specific customer by searching for an Adobe Customer Id.
The Adobe Customer ID can be found in the BSS Account Sync Options.
The logs are displayed in reverse chronological order and searching may take a few seconds.
Select the Actions ellipsis (…) in the Logs Search page and select Show Properties to view the properties of a specific log, such as .
The properties shown includes the Request Id, Correlation Id, Request Method, URL, Request Body and Response.