Gliffy | ||||||||||
The need of a load balancing proxy in front of the RabbitMQ cluster is presented due to the fact that sometimes the serving member of the cluster either looses connection or fails to serve and the message is lost.
Despite the fact that our Queues are replicated across each HA node, there is only one available instance of each Queue, and it resides on the node on which it was created, or in the case of failure, the instance that is promoted to master. RabbitMQ is conveniently routing us to that node in this case:
Gliffy | ||||||||||
Unfortunately for us, this means that we suffer an extra, unnecessary network hop in order to reach our intended Queue. This may not seem a major issue, but consider that in the above example, with 3 nodes and an evenly-balanced Load Balancer, we are going to incur that extra network hop on approximately 66% of requests. Only one in every three requests (assuming that in any grouping of three unique requests we are directed to a different node) will result in our request being directed to the correct node.